5 Reasons Your Marketing Isn’t Working

It is rightly said that – “Marketing is the soul and lifeline of any business”. If not carried out in right way, can shut down your business. .
If you’re currently struggling with your marketing, try connecting the dots of your current strategy rather than starting over completely from scratch!

Hello friends, I hope you love all our Cosmic Blogs!

Before starting my today’s blog, I just want to ask you few questions:

  • Are you applying the right strategy for your business promotion?
  • Is your target audience able to reach you?
  • Are you delivering the content that is SEO friendly?

If the answer is yes than you are at right track of Marketing, but if your answer is no, then you have to read my Blog to know the reasons behind the failure of your Marketing strategy.

Business has only two functions – Marketing and innovation

Without any proper strategy and planning, there can’t be any Marketing. Running a Business without a proper Marketing will kill it.

To bring your business in the eye of the target audience, you have to put in some serious efforts!

So let’s take a look at 5 reasons of your Marketing failure and how you can fix those failures:

1. You don’t have the right target audience

Not everyone is your customer. The true Marketing success is to reach potential customers who truly need your services and make them interested in it.

Without a target audience Marketing is dead. If you don’t plan Marketing keeping in mind your target audience, then there is no use of Marketing.

While selecting your target audience, ask the following questions:

  • What are their requirements?
  • What are their problems or pain points?
  • What kind of content rings with them?
  • On which platform they are most active?

Once you get the answers of these questions, it becomes simpler to target your potential customers.

1. Is your content relevant?

Marketing without good content is like driving with an eye closed. Content is the only thing that defines your brand and gives you an identity.

“Content is the atomic particle of all Digital Marketing”

As new technologies, trends and practices emerge, people want to learn about them right away. Keep an eye out for evolving topics in your industry and take advantage of them. Doing so can grab more audience towards your Marketing.

1. Are you promoting on right channels?

Well, this is the most important aspect of Marketing – What platform you are using for promotion?

Monitor social traffic across all platforms and identify which network sees the greatest sharing/interaction per post. Once you analyze the right channel for Marketing then start interacting with your target audience on the Social Media.

2. What are your competitors doing right now?

Your competitors can teach you a lot! Sometimes it becomes very difficult to identify your weakness which causes you to fall behind your competitors.

Observe what strategies your competitors are adopting for Marketing, what platforms they are using, what type of content they are publishing etc.

So, when your ranking is facing downfall, keep your ego at the corner and learn something from those who are accurately performing well.

3. You are playing it safe.

Marketing is all about thinking out of your comfort zone. Apple was not built on Google AdWords. Doing it will definitely is not going to grow your business.

“Marketing takes a day to learn but a lifetime to master – Phil Kolter”

Good Marketing demands taking risks, trying something new and out of the box. Dare to be different, if you want to stand out of the crowd!

Wrap up

It is rightly said that – “Marketing is the soul and lifeline of any business”. If not carried out in right way, can shut down your business.

A successful marketing strategy combines its various components – keywords, content, target audience, branding, promotion, and analytics. If you’re currently struggling with your marketing, try connecting the dots of your current strategy rather than starting over completely from scratch!